Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Green Earth

Before my next post, I should probably explain the blog a little bit. I started this blog as a way to share my interest in alternative energy solutions with others. As a kid, I was never really interested in playing video games. I enjoyed being out in the woods with friends riding bikes, sledding, and building forts in the trees. In order for places like the woods I had to exist for future generations, we need to start finding efficient, renewable, and environmentally friendly sources of energy to power our technology driven society.

Currently, our two main energy sources in America are coal and petroleum products. These are carbon-based fossil fuels (that's the anti-fossils name, I like finding dinosaur fossils), which are non-renewable energy sources. Many geologists predict that we have surpassed the halfway point of petroleum reserves on this planet. The cost for gas is rising and there isn't an end in sight. Finding sources of energy that don't need to be imported is key to the economy in our country. We should stop paying foreign countries for oil and start paying American producers for their renewable energy sources. That is where this blog comes in. I want to find some of these new products and post them here. I also ask/encourage you to post some of your findings if you want to share them with this community.

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