Sunday, December 12, 2010

Window Battery Charger

This is a cool concept that is a simple solution to throwing out old batteries. I came across this website while using StumbleUpon. If you haven't Stumbled before you are missing out, but that's a different discussion. I don't know anyone that is happy when you sit down to watch TV and the batteries in the remote are dead. With these tiny wind turbines, that will never happen again. Just put two dead batteries into the charger and when the remote batteries run out, open the window and grab the replacements. The little solutions like these have the possibility to make a larger impact than many people believe. These gadgets are still in the concept stage unfortunately, but hopefully soon we can charge all of our batteries with tiny wind turbines.

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome idea! Hopefully one day they will be mass produced and implemented across the world. I am totally with you, it's little ideas like these that will push us towards a better environment.
